Home Forums Mandolin Mandolin Lesson Discussion Basic Bluegrass Chop Chords

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    • #66812

      This is the discussion topic for the lesson Basic Bluegrass Chop Chords. Please leave your comments or any questions you might have about the lesson here!

    • #88923
      Dean Goulding

      This was so much fun. Problem was I had to stop and go back so many times because I was discovering so many fun strums. Just a beginner and have been practising the finger stretching stuff but this made me feel like I was at the beginning of something really great. Thank you Mike

    • #158843

      Hi there,

      Thank you so much for doing this, Mike. I am finding your lessons to be incredibly helpful, especially the musical notation in the corners for songs. Your teaching style is so inviting and supportive.

      I have been looking for a chart to better see the chop chords you are showing us here. Do you (or any other learning friend out there, teehee) have anything like that? I find that chord charts really resonate in my brain, but I have searched online and can’t find any that lists these particular two-finger chords. I figured there might be others that have a similar brain, so I’m posting here. Thank you for all you do,


    • #371856
      Giuseppe Galvagno

      Ciao mi chiamo Giuseppe, sono Italiano e non parlo l’inglese. ho acquistato il corso mensile e volevo un chiarimento. Per imparare il mandolino sto seguendo la guided Learning. Mi trovo in difficoltà per non capisco come muovermi:
      Apro il link Basic Bluegrass Chop Chords e seguo il video fino a qua tutto ok . Sul lato destro della pagina vedo altri video Related Lesson e leggo a cascata
      “Closed Position Blues Licks”
      “Monroe – Style Downstroke Lick #1”
      “ Improve Your Bluegrass Chop Beginner Mandolin”
      Il problema è che quando finisco di esercitarmi ed esco dalla pagina iniziale. Quando mi capita di riaprirla le Related Lessons sono cambiate come mai ?
      Grazie per la risposta

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