Home Forums Banjo Banjo Lesson Discussion The Girl I Left Behind (Up-The-Neck) Advanced Banjo

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    • #322013

      This is the discussion topic for the lesson The Girl I Left Behind (Up-The-Neck) Advanced Banjo. Please leave your comments or any questions you might have about the lesson here!

    • #322603

      So how do you keep from getting a mushy sound, or no sound at all, when using your thumb on the 5th string on a fret that’s spiked? Same thing for Billy In The Lowground…I can’t seem to reliably get a clear sound!

    • #323287

      I don’t understand the physics of why the distance between frets has increased on this song over the others. Ha Ha I’m trying to be funny. I think its because of the constant movement. But…I got the up the neck part of Home Sweet Home down fairly well before I got to this…I think that helped.

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