Home Forums Banjo Banjo Lesson Discussion Man Of Constant Sorrow Beginner Banjo

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    • #66989

      This is the discussion topic for the lesson Man Of Constant Sorrow Beginner Banjo. Please leave your comments or any questions you might have about the lesson here!

    • #88667
      Luke Sommers

      I’m trying to go back to Part 1 of the bigger banjo video after going through the 1st and 2nd once, but I only get the black screen. Do we only get one shot at each lesson? It looks like I can go to the backup lesson multiple times.

      • #88711

        No, you should be able to watch the videos as much as you’d like.

        It seems to work switching back and forth between the videos when I test it. Sorry it’s not working for you.

        Can you try clearing your internet browser? Or what are you device/browser are you viewing the site on?

        – Mike

        • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Mike.
    • #88671
      Luke Sommers

      Actually that was beginner, not bigger

    • #88675
      Luke Sommers

      Sorry…I’m on the West Coast. 2 hours difference..

    • #105454

      Hello Mike,

      I don’t know how feasible it is to do it for all your uploads. But Is it possible to also add to Soundslice the backup you use for the song demonstration.
      I know you have it in the tracks, but it is easier when you can see when the transition of the chords happens.
      If you have started doing that in your newer uploads and I am not aware, appologies for the pointless question.


      • #105460

        Hi again,
        Just realised if you select (Real) it plays the backup. It must have not taken the setting the first time I tried.
        I don’t know why I doubted you are at least 1 step ahead of me .

        • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by stefgia.
    • #144917
      Paul Durfee


      I’ve pretty much gotten the fingering down and am working on increasing my speed while maintaining accuracy. While I can keep time with the backing track, my output sounds a little… blah. I suspect it’s because I’m not really accenting properly. Is it safe to assume one should generally accent the 1st and 3rd beats of each measure?

      I’ll note that I’m playing an open back banjo without picks (I usually play clawhammer style, and was looking to mix it up with some Scruggs style picking). But I suspect in this case the fault lies with the artist and not the tools. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated!


    • #156316

      Mike – I’m with bullpeters on the melody line, I can play the notes, but get lost on the melody. Would it be possible to put the words on the tab?

      • #158263

        I posted an image with the first verse at the bottom of this discussion to see how the lyrics line up with the solo.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Mike.
    • #158167

      ditto – having trouble drawing out the melody – I see your comments on it above but at the same time relatively speaking does this tune have much melody? Some tunes you can’t get out of your head, this one I can’t get in.

    • #158258

      This song is tricky because the words are very stretched out.

      Here’s an image with the first verse above so you can see how the melody and lyrics fit together.

      Man Of Constant Sorrow With Lyrics

    • #171881
      Avatar of linreederLinda Reeder

      Unfortunately I don’t see any lyrics. Am using my Android phone. Thanks!

    • #172358
      Ricardo Corrie

      Hi Mike, on the 6th measure of solo #1, how come you are doing a full C chord?

      I don’t see the 2nd fret 3rd string being used anywhere near that measure.

      If you free up the 3rd finger, you can use it to reach the 3rd fret on the 2nd string, which seems much easier than using the pinky.

      I’m sure there’s a good reason why you are teaching it this way, I’m just trying to understand the reasoning behind it.

      Thanks for the great lesson

    • #172364
      Ricardo Corrie

      Look closely. The words are in tiny print right below the corresponding measure. They’re a bit hard to spot because, like Mike said, the words are very spaced out.

    • #172377
      Avatar of linreederLinda Reeder

      Wow I see that now. They are really spaced out. Or maybe I’m really spaced out LOL. Thanks for pointing that out.

    • #184511
      Caden Walker

      Hey Mike, I am new to the banjo and playing music it’s self. Should I just play a combination of the solos if there is no singing? If there is singing should I play backup in combination of solos. I have the two beginner solos down along with others in different songs.

      Thank You. -Caden

    • #322569
      Stefan Pinter

      hi! why donthe vudeos seem to stop quite abruptly?

      • #332765

        I split the videos into multiple sections so sometimes once section can stop quickly.

        All the means is that you’re ready for the next video in the section.

        I’ve tried to improve that as I’ve made more videos so it doesn’t stop without an outro explaining that we’re going on to the next part.


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