Home Forums Guitar Guitar Lesson Discussion She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain Beginner Guitar

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    • #66798

      This is the discussion topic for the lesson She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain Beginner Guitar. Please leave your comments or any questions you might have about the lesson here!

    • #207959
      Brian Howland

      The video was Great, how ever the Tab examples to the song doesn’t show bass walks.
      To help understand the sequence of bass walks for each chord.

      • #210384

        Sure no problem. Here’s a link to a tab with some bass walks for each chord.

        If you have any other questions let me know.

        Bass Walks Tab


        • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by Mike.
    • #371919
      Arthur Schmitt

      I am having trouble playing along with the back-up track for this song. I’m good for the first few play throughs, but by the 4th I’m off. Is it me or is the back-up track missing a bar or two. I’m about two bars behind by the 5th repetition. Also, how do you come up with 60 bpm for that track? On my metronome phone ap, that beat is 120 bpm.

    • #372022
      Arthur Schmitt

      I’m still having trouble playing along with the back-up to this song, and I am wondering if you play that measure 33 every time. If you skip that measure, it would explain my being behind at the end.

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