Home Forums Banjo Banjo Lesson Discussion The Nashville Number System

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    • #66754

      This is the discussion topic for the lesson The Nashville Number System. Please leave your comments or any questions you might have about the lesson here!

    • #256097
      Ky Hawk

      Great site,
      I been trying to figure out this number system.
      Was wanting to know if im getting this right.
      If some one is using a capo in the second fret key of A
      but playing in normal G can i play without a capo and play in the Key of A like
      on the grid.
      Be like 1 4 5 G C D
      i can do Key A A D E
      And be in the same key without capo ?


    • #364710
      Edna Woodard

      This has been a great lesson. Some of this stuff we are using every day without the understanding of why. Thank you and I hope you will expound on this lesson soon. Edna

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