Home Forums Banjo Banjo Lesson Discussion Website issues

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Mike.
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  • Author
    • #164975
      Brendan Reed

      Is anyone else seeing weird glitching on the site?

      I can’t search for lessons anymore and backup tracks aren’t playing. I’ve tried two different browsers so I’m not sure what to make of it

    • #165022

      Sorry it was giving you trouble.

      Can you be more specific? Are you getting an error of some kind?

      I’ve tried the site with a few different devices and browsers and can’t seem to recreate the issue you’re describing.

      Do you have another device like a phone or iPad you can test?

      That way we can figure out if it’s an issue related to your specific computer.

      Let me know and I can investigate further. Thanks.

      – Mike

    • #165166
      Brendan Reed

      Hey Mike,

      Right now, for me, the search bar isn’t a fillable form and the backup tracks on banjo lessons won’t play. I’m on windows 10 right now and have tried with firefox, chrome, and edge.

      I’ll switch machines and give it a try

    • #165171
      Brendan Reed


      My other laptop seems to be doing it fine so it’s clearly a “My side” problem


      • #165286

        Ok thanks for letting me know.

        You may want to make sure you’ve got the latest version of the internet browser on the computer that’s not working.

        It’s possible you’ve got an outdated version of the browser which is why it’s not working on that computer.


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